Tips & tricks - Chocoholic Cake
Put a very small dollop of buttercream onto the cake board or plate to keep the cake from slipping around.
Place the first layer onto the plate or cake board bottom side down.
Put a large dollop of buttercream onto the layer can spread it around using a palette knife or spatula until you have an even layer that is around 1-2cm thick.
Place the next layer on top with the bottom side up. For a three-layered cake, repeat the process.
The crumb coat creates a smooth foundation to work with and traps all of the loose crumbs so that they don't end up on the final layer.
Spread a thin layer over the entire cake with a spatula or palette knife, filling in all the cracks and holes (like in between layers), and smooth it all with the scraper.
Put any extra buttercream in a different bowl so that you don't end up with crumbs in the final layer buttercream.
When you’re done, it should look like a semi-naked cake that’s pretty close to level on all sides and the top.
Put it in the fridge for at least 20 minutes (even overnight is a good idea) to let it firm up a bit before adding the final layer.
Place a large dollop of buttercream on the top of the cake and using a pellet knife or spatula, smooth the top so that you have around 2cm of the buttercream on top, smooth the remainder down the sides of the cake and cover with a thick layer. Holding the scraper at a 45-degree angle and vertically level, gently scrape the cake while turning the turntable plate/cake-board slightly. Place any extra buttercream back in the bowl and wipe the scrape after each turn. If you notice any gaps in the cake finish, simply fill them in with buttercream and keep scraping.
As you smooth the sides of the cake, the buttercream on the sides will begin to reach higher than the top of the cake like a crown. This is what you want. To get a clean, sharp edge, take the scraper or palette knife and level off the top, smoothing the outsides of the buttercream crown toward the centre of the cake.
Using a sharp knife carefully crack the Crunchie bars into about 6 chunks of different sizes. Place these in a pile in the middle of the cake with the golden pieces facing outward and save the crumbs to sprinkle after.
Cut the twirl in half and save one half for later. Place one piece on an angle across the Crunchie bar pile. If they break don't worry! It's all part of the look!
Place the chocolate pearls randomly around the chocolate pile. Try not to make it all look too even, random is best.
Place the Bueno on the very top of the chocolate pile on an angle leaning on some of the other chocolate.
Take the remaining part of the Twirl and crush it into tiny pieces/dust and sprinkle it all over the cake along with any left over Crunchie pieces. We like to get it over the cake board/plate you are using too for an extra rustic effect.